International Health Services Curator 

This Site is created to show cheap and available Health, Medical and Dental services abroad. every decision is up to the person and at his or her own risk. you may think why would I go oversees for a dental procedure while I have access to the best services right here?

The answer is simple: what you will gain from it and the cost you will pay for it:

It is no longer a secret that the cost of health care and health services are exorbitant in the United States, but what is not so obvious is the difference in quality and cost. did you know you could go on a trip to turkey and take advantage of a nice visit to beautiful areas and get all your dental work done no matter what it is and compared to what you would spend in the US for the same procedures it comes much cheaper even including  the cost of your flights and hotel stay.

We all know the advanced technologies we have are only covered if you have insurance. but for cosmetics,  and cosmetic surgery, dental work, advanced skin and hear care and many more  elective services are much cheaper overseas than in the United states. This Site is the customer front facing interface using a considerable database with periodically updated information about services all over the world and the type of services as well as their costs and the cost of flights, hotels, car rentals in the area, with a comprehensive calculation of the total cost of the selected health service and the potential expenses of the travel and stay. a quick comparison will be provided about the cost of the same service and the pros and cons for each service.

This Site is in its building phase, once I and the other programmers have the code ready it will be uploaded and made functional for you to start looking for your next trip, and why not get something you wanted to do for so long. I personally did it and started with my teeth.

example of the information in the backend database will be as follows: